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If you want to study abroad but don't want to spend so much time and money on undergraduate or postgraduate education, we can guide you towards programs that will allow you to have a career in your desired profession.

In many countries with advanced education systems, especially in the United States, institutions offer programs where intensive schedules of courses are taught by experts in specific professional fields. Candidates who are equipped with professional knowledge in a very short time can enter the workforce immediately or, when they want to change their profession, they can start a new path with a certificate in a new field.

Especially for candidates who have just graduated from university, when they want to specialize a little more in the field they are more interested in among the courses of the faculty and want to take a short time to advance both personally and professionally, they can register for a certificate program abroad. For many candidates, these programs are also a very useful process in terms of seeing how life and their profession are practiced abroad. The fact that certificate programs consist mostly of practical work rather than theoretical courses also easily gives candidates this opportunity.

Since the education provided within the scope of Certificate Programs is very diverse and varies from country to country, consulting support is very important in a study abroad experience where time and costs are limited. Many issues, from country selection to correct program-candidate matching, should be handled professionally in selection, decision, and application stages.