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We have eliminated the possibility of failing in the university preparatory class! Here's your option: 'Study Abroad University Preparation Year Programs.'

In Turkey, private universities and some departments of state universities have compulsory English (or a different language according to the medium of instruction) preparatory classes designed to prepare students for their academic education. Many students who have not graduated from high school with sufficient academic-level foreign language proficiency struggle to pass these challenging and intensive preparatory classes. Therefore, the best option, both financially and to prevent the loss of an entire academic year, is to enroll in a 'Study Abroad University Preparation Year Program.'

With this program, students can quickly close their language proficiency gaps, and at the same cost as learning a foreign language to a good level in Turkey, they can confidently start their university education.

In an international environment, with the opportunity to make friends from many different countries and cultures and actively practice a foreign language in daily life, you will feel much more prepared for university life! You will make a difference among your peers with both your foreign language proficiency and your broader perspective on the world.