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It's time to put an end to struggling with terms that constantly arise in your professional life, sweating during phone calls, and constantly resorting to translation websites in your correspondence. Business English courses teach you all of this and more, tailored to your needs, enabling you to advance in your career with confidence.

Whether you are part of the international business world or working in a local business, in a globalized world, there's no escape from English. Fields such as business management, finance, sales, marketing, and nearly all professions require communication in English or at least referring to international sources in English. Those who complete Business English programs, which also provide training in areas such as official correspondence, meeting, and presentation techniques in addition to the terminology that shapes the dynamics of the business world, can prove their English proficiency levels by taking TOEIC or Cambridge BEC exams with a certificate, which are demanded by the business world.

Receiving Business English education in the United States, which is the center of finance and commerce in the world, is a real privilege. Foreign students can have the opportunity not only to receive education but also to observe and perhaps experience a professional working environment. While almost all English language schools in the United States can offer a Business English program, it is possible to participate in the program by taking advantage of campus facilities in many prestigious colleges and universities. Some schools offer programs that combine Business English with General English, while some programs focus on specific areas of Business English. Our consultants, who have detailed information about schools and programs, will provide all the support you need in finding the school and program that best matches your expectations.