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Exam Preparation Courses

Exam Preparation Courses

Our Exam Preparation Courses are designed to prepare you for the exams that need to be taken according to the admission requirements of the country you wish to study in. Considering that not only education but also foreign language proficiency is required as a necessity in the business world today, it is clear that the better you score on the necessary exams, the more positive support it will provide for your career. All universities in English-speaking countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada, evaluate based on the results of exams that demonstrate English language proficiency, such as TOEFL and IELTS. Not only for universities but also for many certificate and diploma programs, as well as master's programs, you need to document your language proficiency with these exams. Different universities in different countries require different exams. For undergraduate education, SAT is required, and for graduate program applications, depending on the field, GRE or GMAT exams are mandatory for many American and Canadian universities. IELTS, in particular, is an exam that is required as a measure of academic English proficiency, especially by universities in the UK and Australia.

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