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The biggest advantage of attending day schools in well-equipped private schools with small class sizes is the chance for students to become part of an American family, distinct from boarding accommodation.

Students attending these schools reside with selected families and benefit from the privileged education, sports, arts, and other activities offered in private schools. Foreign students with language deficiencies have the opportunity to attend English support classes to elevate their language skills to the highest levels. Another outstanding aspect of private schools in the USA for foreign students is that, unlike students in public schools, they are not obligated to leave the country after one year of education; they have the right to continue their education until graduation.

Students attending Private Day Schools while staying with host families receive full protection and support from both the school and the family. Students who adapt excellently to American culture and family life are encouraged to continue activities such as sports and arts, which they have pursued in their home countries, within the competitive programs offered by the schools.

Students in private schools receive an education with distinct and intensive programs offered through separate curricula from public schools. As a result, these schools propel their students a few steps ahead of students in public schools when it comes to gaining entry into prestigious universities. Their faculty members are among the best in America and support students in enhancing their personal development.

During the initial consultation, our educational counselors carefully listen to students, learn about their desires and goals, and assess them along with their talents and interests. They then connect with schools that offer the best services in these areas and facilitate their admissions.